Fr. Tadrous Yakoube


Dictionary of the church

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God is my paradise

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The church House of God

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Introduction to Coptic Church

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Behind the earthquakes

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Saint Mary in the orthodox church

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Egypt in our salvation

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2-1 Historical Books

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2-2 The New Testament

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2-4 Leviticus

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2-6 Ecclesiastes

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2-7 Philippi

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2-8 Philemon

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2-9 Revelation

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3-2 Erudition _ Theology 93-113

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3-2 Erudition _ Theology

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3-4 The Heavenly Life

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3-5 Contemporary Believer

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4-1 The Christ in The Eucharist

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4-2 The Eucharist

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4-3 How Do We Celebrate The Eucharist

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4-4 Sharing in Angelic worship

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4-5 Fractions

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4-6 Dictionary of Church Terms

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4-7 Unity of The Church

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4-8 Praise (Tasbeha)

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5-2 Patrology Panoramic simplified 1

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5-3 Patrology Panoramic simplified 2

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5-4 Patrology Handbook

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5-5 Apostolic Fathers

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5-8 Virginity and Holy Virgins

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5-9 The Fathers of The Early Church

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5-10 The wondrous human nature

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5-11. Peter of Alexandria

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5-12 Theological Thought

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5-14 Alexandian mia-physis

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6-1 Priest _ Fiery Heart

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7-1 St. Mary

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7-2 The Heavenly Queen

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7-3 Anba Abraam

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7-4 St. Mina_s Biography

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7-5 Fr. Pishoy Kamel

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7-6 Father Pishoy Sayings

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7-7 Experiences Fr. Bishoy

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7-8 Athanasius

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7-10 Pope Shenouda III

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7-11 Strength of Spirit of Fr Bishoy

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7-12 Simplicity _ Wisdom

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7-13 St Mary of Egypt

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Holy Love

8-1 Divine Love

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8-3 Family Love

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8-5 Brotherly love

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9-2 Christian Faith _ Philosophy

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9-3 Coptic Orthodox Church

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9-4 Jubilee for The Birth of Christ 1

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9-5 Jubileefor The Birth of Christ 2

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9-6 Jubilee for The Birth of Christ 3

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9-8 Orthodoxy _ Coptic Church

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9-9 New Church

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9-10 Traversing to Heaven

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9-11 Fiery Spirit

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9-12 The fiery heart

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9-13 Eusebius Ecclesiastical History

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11-1 Importance of the church

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12-1 Evangelism and the School of Alexandria

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12-2 The Coptic Calendar

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12-3 Coptic Iconography

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12-4 Physis _ Hypostasis

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12-5 Practical Steps for Unity

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12-6 Evangelism 1 Corinthians

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12-7 Evangelism 2 Corinthians

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12-8 Historical Factors

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12-9 Pastoral Guidelines

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12-10 Pro Oriente

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12-11 Preaching _ School of Alexandria

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12-12 Preaching in the Post Apostolic Era

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12-13 Preaching _ Youth

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14-1 Procession Of the Holy Spirit

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14-3 Alexandria _ Christian Dogmas

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14-4 Christology

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14-5 Divine Grace

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14-6 God

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14-7 Man _ Redemption

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14-8 Tradition _ Orthodoxy

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14-9 The Gift Of The Holy Spirit

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14-10 The Church

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15-3 Let Me Grow

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15-4 Christianity _ Humanism

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15-5 Red Heifer

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15-6 Heart to Heart

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15-7 Purity

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15-8 Secrets to a successful life

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15-9 Addicts

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15-10 Jack New Palace

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15-11 The Secret of Love

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15-12 Contemporary Martyrs

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15-13 God of Impossibilities

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15-14 The Happiest Person in The World

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15-15 The Scared Bride

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15-16 Youth in the sight of God

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15-17 obedience _ Sound Personality

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